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Emergency Orthodontist — Wayland, MA

Ensuring Your Orthodontic Treatment Stays Right on Track

a patient with braces suffering from a toothache

Life is unpredictable, and it’s very possible that you could experience an orthodontic emergency when you least expect it. But this isn’t meant to scare you – in fact, we’re trying to do the exact opposite! Here at Simply Orthodontics Wayland, we want you to feel confident that when life throws you a curveball and you suffer an orthodontic emergency, you don’t have to worry; instead, you can count on our team to help. To learn more about the emergency orthodontic care that we can provide out of our Wayland office, simply contact our office today!  

Why Choose Simply Orthodontics Wayland for Emergency Orthodontic Care?

What to Do in an Orthodontic Emergency

a patient with dental pain

Here’s a brief overview of what steps you should take if you’re experiencing an orthodontic emergency:

  1. Call Our Office – When we receive your call, we’ll ask that you explain your symptoms and the nature of your emergency to us. Most orthodontic emergencies can be handled at home with simple solutions including using wax, rinsing with saltwater, taking OTC pain relievers, or something similar. If you’re ever unsure about what to do, please give us a call!
  2. Schedule an Appointment – If your issue cannot be handled over the phone, we’ll let you know when you need to come in. Depending on the severity of your issue, it might be on that very same day; however, it’s possible that things can wait until your next routine check-in.
  3. Get the Care You Need – Most of the time, we can quickly, easily, and affordably handle orthodontic emergencies. You may need to come back for a follow-up appointment if new parts need to be ordered, such as a new aligner. Of course, if you’re feeling pain, we’ll quickly resolve it!

The Most Common Orthodontic Emergencies

The bottom line is that true orthodontic emergencies aren’t very common, though they aren’t entirely possible. In reality, most situations can be handled quite easily and aren’t necessarily urgent. In any case, you still need to be able to recognize when something’s amiss with your orthodontic treatment, and you should still call us promptly to ensure the issue is corrected. In the meantime, here are some examples of common orthodontic emergencies that our team here in Wayland can help with.

Understanding the Cost of Orthodontic Emergencies  

a patient with braces visiting her dentist

There is no “set” price for emergency orthodontic care – the nature of every emergency differs, not to mention that every patient’s treatment is customized for their own smile. That said, we cannot give you an accurate price estimate until you’ve come in for an examination and we’ve discussed possible treatment options. Our practice is happy to accept insurance and MassHealth, as well as offer numerous flexible financing options. If you have any questions about payment, our team can provide you with answers; we’re determined to get your smile the care it needs at a price you can afford!

How to Prevent Orthodontic Emergencies 

a patient with braces brushing their teeth

Above all else, it’s better to try to prevent orthodontic emergencies from occurring in the first place rather than having them treated after the fact. Even though this won’t always be possible, there’s quite a bit you can do to drastically lower your risk of dental injury or damage to your orthodontic appliances. Consider these tips:

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Is a Toothache an Emergency? Usually, persistent toothaches warrant an emergency appointment. However, experiencing some slight soreness and discomfort is very normal during orthodontic treatment. After all, your teeth are moving into completely new positions! For that reason, a same-day visit to your dentist may not be necessary. If you’re unsure what to do, you’re welcome to give us a call; we’d be happy to help.

How You Should Handle Toothaches Soreness stemming from the movement of your teeth can often be alleviated with a few simple steps, like rinsing with a saltwater solution, eating soft foods, and taking OTC pain medication. If your discomfort persists or you’re experiencing other abnormal dental symptoms (i.e., persistent sensitivity, bleeding gums, pain when biting down), then call our Wayland dental team so we can determine if you need to visit your dentist.

Loose Bracket or Wire  

Is a Loose Bracket or Wire an Emergency? A loose bracket or wire can negatively impact your treatment plan. Plus, it’s possible for your teeth or gums to get injured without them in their proper positions. So, don’t hesitate to contact us; we’ll schedule an appointment for you, walk you through what to do until you get to our office, and answer any questions you have.

How You Should Handle a Loose Bracket or Wire Calling us is an important first step. Outside of that, focus on doing what you can to prevent the situation from getting worse. That includes covering the bracket or wire with dental wax, sticking to soft foods, and getting to our office as soon as you can so we can fix your braces.

Broken Bracket or Wire  

Is a Broken Bracket or Wire an Emergency? There are a few reasons the answer is “yes.” One of the most notable ones is that the longer the bracket or wire is out of position, the higher the chances are of a dental injury occurring. The best thing to do is call us ASAP; we’ll guide you through the next steps from there.

How You Should Handle a Broken Bracket or Wire Like a loose bracket or wire, a broken bracket or wire should be covered with dental wax to protect your teeth, tongue, gums, and the insides of your cheeks. It’s important to stick to soft foods that require very little chewing as well (i.e., soup, fruit smoothies, plain yogurt). Finally, make getting to our office a priority; we want to get you back on-track with your treatment plan ASAP.

Poking Wire

Is a Poking or Protruding Wire an Emergency? We do recommend contacting us right away if one of your wires is out of place. That way, we can schedule an appointment for you at our office within the next couple of days. Then, we can fix it, preventing treatment plan delays or your cheeks, lips, or gums from getting cut.

How You Should Handle A Poking or Protruding Wire In addition to reaching out to us to schedule an appointment, we recommend covering the sharp edge of the wire with some dental wax or sugar-free gum. It’s also a good idea to rinse periodically with warm saltwater and stick to extremely soft foods, like plain yogurt.

Mouth Sores

Are Mouth Sores or Irritation an Emergency? Usually, mouth sores and irritation are not an emergency. That said, if a wound forms and doesn’t heal (or it seems to be getting worse), then you should schedule a same-day appointment to ensure an infection hasn’t developed. How You Should Handle Mouth Sores or Irritation First, try rinsing with warm saltwater (this will help prevent an infection). Second, put some dental wax over the nearby brackets and wires. Third, avoid acidic, sugary, and spicy foods.

Broken Ligature

Is a Broken Ligature an Emergency? Although small, the rubber bands holding your wires in place play an important role in the teeth-straightening process. In other words, if one breaks, it can negatively affect your treatment plan. That’s why we recommend contacting us right away if you find yourself in this situation!

How You Should Handle a Broken Ligature There are a few things we don’t recommend, like touching the area with your fingers, biting your nails, chewing on ice cubes, or chewing on that side of your mouth. Instead, call us right away so we can schedule an appointment for you at our Wayland orthodontic office.

Soft Tissue Cuts

Is a Cut Lip, Cheek, or Tongue an Emergency? If you have sustained a large laceration or the cut is bleeding uncontrollably, then you should call 911 or head to the ER immediately. For minor cuts, same-day care usually isn’t needed.

How You Should Handle a Cut Lip, Cheek, or Tongue If you have a small cut, then rinse your mouth with clean, cool water and use a damp washcloth to stop the bleeding. Then, use a cold compress to alleviate any lingering swelling.

Something Stuck Between the Teeth

Is having something stuck between the teeth an emergency? During your orthodontic treatment, it’s very possible that you’ll end up with food particles stuck between your teeth – as well as between your appliances and your teeth. This is due to the fact that the teeth are quite literally being moved into new positions, which creates additional space for debris to become trapped. Luckily, these situations can often be handled at home with a few easy steps – though serious matters, such as debris that has caused bleeding or serious injury, shouldn’t be ignored.

How you should handle something stuck between your teeth: You should never try to remove an object that’s stuck between your teeth with tweezers or anything else metal, or even a toothpick – all of these objects have the potential to cause an injury to the teeth or the surrounding tissues. You might also end up damaging your orthodontic appliance. Instead, use dental floss to gently clean between your teeth. You can also rinse your mouth with lukewarm salt water to try to dislodge the debris. If none of this is helpful, you can give our office a call and we’re happy to assist you!

Broken or Lost Retainer

Is a broken or lost aligner or retainer an emergency? Both of these situations warrant a prompt call to our office; the longer it takes to replace a lost aligner, the more likely there will be delays in your overall treatment plan – and trying to use one of your next aligners will not work. Likewise, losing your retainer means you could experience orthodontic relapse, which means your teeth revert back to their original, crooked positions.

How you should handle a broken or lost aligner or retainer: Your first step should be to call our office and let us know what you’ve lost. From there, we’ll know how to proceed. For example, we might recommend temporarily using an old aligner until your replacement one arrives. If you’ve broken your retainer, though, we may suggest coming in that very same day so we can repair it quickly or get you a new one.

Loose Teeth

Are loose teeth an emergency? If it feels like one or more of your teeth are so loose that they might possibly fall out, it’s considered a dental emergency. However, you should know that it’s normal for orthodontic treatment to make your teeth feel sensitive and slightly loose – though these micromovements won’t cause them to fall out. If you’re experiencing abnormal symptoms, such as bleeding gums or intense throbbing pain that isn’t letting up, you should contact us right away.

How you should handle loose teeth: If your teeth feel slightly loose due to the pressure caused by your orthodontic treatment, don’t fret. You can avoid eating crunchy, hard, and overly chewy foods to give your teeth a break. Instead, try softer foods such as oatmeal, boiled pasta, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, soups and broths, and other similar items. If in spite of these dietary changes, your teeth still feel so loose you’re worried, reach out to us and we’ll help you schedule an appointment.